Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"Harry Potter and the Bummer of Bummers"

So here are my throughts on the much-talked-about HP Book 6:

I think that J.K. Rowling has succeeded in her attempt to unsettle her more mature audience by completely moving out of their comfort zone and creating the ultimate bummer in the plot: the scandalous termination of the character that embodies the Good and symbolizes Wisdom.

I am more inclined to dwell on this huge loss, and so this commentary will revolve around the death of Professor Albus Brian Wulfric Dumbledore.

I call this a "scandalous death" because it took half the hope left in the readers, hope of finding good in a world replete with evil and of finding wisdom in tumultuous situations in the story. The death of Dumbledore is most unexpected in that, from Book 1, he has been made out to be powerful and nearly invincible. He has been delineated as a persona who exudes grace under pressure and who can crack a joke in the tensest of situations. His death, therefore, is tantamount to the death of hope, wisdom, and the Good.

And so, as the "half-blood Prince' was aiming his wand at him prior to that dreaded coup d' gras, I was hoping for some deus ex machina to pop from out of the blue. But no, this book is meant to be the bummer of bummers.


Blogger whatisthis said...

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1:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

since its been ages when ilast held the 6th book im a bit short on the details.. but i sure do know that dumbledore is in so dead..
before hallows of course i was one of those who thought there'd be a big J.K Rowling kinda twist.. that dumbledore was alive and that in the end he'll show up..tada! im alive.. Buhoo to you Voldemort.. but i was dead wrong... I got my hopes up a little bit because i did not expect that APWBD would die like that... But maybe she wouldn't be the J.K Rowling that we know if she would just write the things we expect her to.. she's just one unique author who seems predictable but no near that word ever.. she's just amazing...
Anyhow..and so i was bummed by the thought the "he" is dead.. What would Harry do without him? And so if the greatest sorcerer met his doom, Harry could to...That fueled the assumption many "potterheads" have shared that maybe Harry would die in the end..Maybe for Voldemort to die Harry should die to.. maybe he was the sacrificial lamb for all the evil things to end.. maybe he should die for the greater good.. and so again.. we were dead wrong.. Hallows came and again i was awed on how J.K managed to become so beyond description..
maybe its a little bit late to talk about this stuff.. but when i read your blog Ms. A bout my favorite topic, i just could'nt help it.. ihave to say something...hehe.. and mis if you ever read this is it okay if you tell me what you thought the ending would be? just wanna know what you thought.. hehe.. heres my blog.. just post a comment on any of the two blogs.. hehe.. its been ages since ive written something there too...Thank miss...hehe..-Kristine Villarosa BEEN3A(LC)

12:45 AM  
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1:15 PM  

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